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Germany (Deustchland) 19th October 2019 - 30th September 2020

Berlin, Dresden, Esslingen, Hechingen, Heidelberg, Konstanz, Mannheim, Munich, Nuremburg, Potsdam, Reutlingen, Sigmaringen, Stuttgart, Tubingen.

It ten months. Ten months in staying in Tuebingen and traveling around the borders and small towns in Germany. looking back, I really enjoyed my trip around - I was able to make alot of friends and even got to party with some of them. Most of the city visits are actualy day trips (except for Berlin, Heidelberg and Nuremburg). Hence, for this section, I will not  approach you guys any recommendation on cheap hostels (then the ones that I highlighted that I stayed for a night)

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Esslingen. Hechingen. Heidelberg. Karlsruhe. Konstanz. Mannheim. Metzingen. Tuebingen. Reutlingen. Sigmaringen. Stuttgart.

Esslingen (2nd June 2020)

Tuebingen --> Esslingen

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:

- (Castle) Esslinger Burg, Dicker Turm

- (Historical sites) Grabkapelle, Maille Park, Alte Stadttore, Altestadt (oldtown centre), Innere Brücke, Postmichelbrunnen

- (Cathedral and churches) Esslinger Stadtkirche St. Dionys, Frauenkirche Esslingen, Munster Sankt Paul

For food:

Esslingen is well known for its traditional vineyard cultivation. Hence, it is recommended for those that wanted to go there to taste their wine during the Spring-summer months. Most vineyards would be open for free sample and you can try out all you want! 

The city marketplace
The Esslinger Burg and the Vineyard 

Alas, Vy and I was able to climb up to the hill where the vineyard is located and it is a huge one; there are many wooden towers (turm) located along the street. Unfortunately, it isn't the season for it to grown and bloom. Its still summer. Hence, Me and Vy were swating like mad dogs when we went up to the hill. We manage to fins a seating area and got to enjoy the wind on top of the hill. Great stuff!

Food Section!

We were starving after walking around the newer town centre and the the old marketplace that we decided to have a lunch near the Rathaus since they have a long stretch of restaurants and cafes along the streets. We were hungry for some Indian food, hence, we decided to tryout Copper Bowl.

Copper Bowl (Temporary closed for now)

Marktpl. 4, 73728 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany

After Lunch and walking up to the Esslinger Burg, Vy and I stopped by the Maille Park and went to one of the café on the bridge called Lavazza Café.

Lavazza Café

Innere Brücke 15, 73728 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany

Having a tea break _Lavazza Café
Schloss Hohenzollern, Hechingen (2nd November 2019)

Tuebingen --> Hechingen

After Munich, the trip to Hohenzollern castle is the second travel to another small town. Although I did not explore the small village of Hechingen, I got to see the magnificent seat of the former ruling family of Prussia. Together with a seminar mate of mine (Hi Yoojin!), we went to the castle and walk around it. Thanks god for our student travel card that we bought for the semester, we did not need to pay for the bus travel up to the hill of the castle. Sweet!

The way to the schlosss

As a student from a German university, we got a free bus ride from the Hechingen Train station to the Hohenzollern Castle. The catch is, we have to pay at least €89 per semester (according to my friends, it has increased to €109). This included all the bus rides and trains rides to other smaller towns in the Naldo districts which are free. 

Th castle is big due to the located of it on the top of the hill isolated from buildings and towns/village nearby. I managed to have a friend with me, Yoojin, to join my travel to the castle and I have to say, its worth it!

The castle itself is very pretty...and underrated!

The climb...THE CLIMB!! The bus could only manage to bring us to the nearest bus stop. My friend and I have to walk at least 15 mins of loops to get to the main entrance of the castle. I admitted it, I did sweat a lot after that. Kind of regret bringing a thick coat with me to the climb. I didn't expected it anyway.  

Having a lunch at the castle's café

A usual thing of me, ordering food with a pint of beer. There is a small café/canteen in the outskirt of the castle after the gate entrance to it. Although it is considered pricy, I want to try the food there and paid a total of €8.60 for the pint of beer and the bratwursts cum fries.  Meanwhile, Yoojin was just chilling, watching me eat them while we brace the cold wind of the hill. 

The beer I ordered and.._
...the food I ordered_
Heidelberg (17th July 2020 - 19th July 2020)

Tuebingen --> Heidelberg

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:

- (Castles and palace) Heidelberg Palace, Dilsberg Castle

- (Historical sites) Old Bridge Heidelberg, Königstuhl (Heidelberg hillview), Philosophenweg, Pharmacy Museum, Bergbahn Heidelberg,  Studentenkarzer, Heidelberger Marktplatz, Kornmarkt, Karlstor, Bismarck-Säule, Brückentor, Liebesstein

- (Cathedral and churches) Church of the Holy Spirit,  Jesuitenkirche, Mosque In The Palace Garden, Peterskirche

For food:  Along the stretch of the street around the main cathedral, there are many cafes and restaurants located there. 

For accommodation:

The three days two nights trip to Heidelberg-Manheim was very fun and one of the memorial trip I went. I didn't expect Heidelberg to be very pretty as a a university town but the oldtown area stuck out to me the most. I decided to book a hostel near to the palace on the hill since I know that I will climb it within the days I visit the city. Her is the details:

One of the most beautiful University cities in Germany! Period!

The small university town of Heidelberg is recommended by my friends from Tubingen. They believed that as a History fanatic like I am, it will be a good town to explore as Heidelberg (like Tubingen) is one of Germany oldest and renowned university with a lot of historical significant. If you ask me to describe the town, it would be earthly and historical. The university town is blessed to have streets and alleys of cafes and market areas located around the oldtown. University buildings are old medieval/ neo- classical Romanesque designed oozing with Southern German traditions and culture. Heidelberg is a most see town of Baden-Württemberg as it is considered underrated to the international tourist and have a lot of local German coming here to see the magnificent and abandoned Heidelberg castle and the garden on the hill. The oldtown even have a magnificent view from the hill located at the Philosophenweg. 

The churches and Cathedral

Like every other old universities and smaller towns in Germany, there will be majestic-looking religions sites around to prove of their devotion to Christianity (specifically German Protestantism). Cathedrals and churches were built with pink-reddish brinks with statues of religious figures and priests incorporated into the exterior. 

Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg castle is simply sublime with the sun blaring its light onto it. The sunlight gave a reddish look of the huge architecture and the location of it on the hill make the scenery even more beautiful to behold. The ruins of the castle was due to the fire, lightning and the constant war that inflicted the castle to be later abandoned. Former famous residents before the abandonment are The "Winter King" Frederick V and Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess Palatine to name a few. 

The accommodation I stayed for two nights

Lotte - The Backpackers

Burgweg 3, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany

This hostel is actually quite cheap and the nearest to all of the attractions compared to the hotel nearby. If you are like me who are on a budget, this is a get go. This hostel is very popular with Korean tourists due to the name. it initially even confuse the owners as they did not expect that many Korean tourists booking in. How I got this, through the information scattered on the second floor of the hostel (the main guest area).

Food and places to eat!

Bierbrezel Inh. A.A. Gaststättenbetriebs GmbH

Hauptstraße 184, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany

Along the streets near to Church of the Holy Spirit, there are many local cuisines, Italian and Turkish restaurants surrounding the big dome. I went to one German restaurant and tried their spätzle and breaded chicken with their home-brewed beer. 

as always....have to drink a glass of be
My dinner near the cathedral
Karlsruhe (15th March 2020 - 16th March 2020)
Strasbourg, France --> Karlsruhe, Germany

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit: It has more neo-Romanesque buildings around the city. Surprisingly, it does not have many  traditional churches or even a cathedral for a big city.

- (Castles and palace) Karlsruhe Palace, Schlossgarten, Castelo de Gottesaue, Prinx-Max-Palais

- (Historical sites) Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, State Museum of Baden, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe, Marktplatz, Mausoleum Karlsruher Pyramide, Friedrichsplatz, Kaiserplatz, Europaplatz

- (Cathedral and churches) St. Stephen Church

For accommodation: Karlsruhe is an interesting university city to visit for me. Unlike Heidelberg or Tuebingen, it accommodate the medieval aesthetic to the city which could be considered tourisy. Karlsruhe, on the other hand, behaves like Mannheim, in which they are more going on as a city with many shopping districts and bars. This really behave more like a city for student life's and clubbing sessions. The hostel that I stayed in is a partnership with the Technological university there. I recommend you to stay for night as this is one of the cheapest stay I paid in my travels.

Area24/7 Europaplatz

Kaiserstraße 170, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany

A view of the city of Karlsruhe - a place for modern student living

Karlsruhe is another city that accommodate a huge amount of student population compared to the locals. Unlike Tubingen and Heidelberg, it does not have a prestigious history and power to boast their city standard, In fact, it is known to be a modern city for students that wants to shop and for modern styled of teaching and surroundings. The main  university of this city is a technological university. Hence, many hostels/hotel partnered with the university to establish their ambition and innovation. The hostel I stayed there was one of their projects.

Karlsruhe Palace and Garten

After coming back from my France trip from Strasbourg, I got a day time to travel around the main marketplace of the German border city of Karlsruhe. In fact, I was very surprised that in the city centre/the shopping district, there would be a modern palace and garden situated to create a circular path surrounding it. Very fascinating as places I went like Heidelberg or Mannheim does not have a strong layout plan of the space between the garden and the palace. Its a good treat to see the pinkish neoclassic palace when I walk around it.

The hostel is considered to be one of the cheapest one in Mannheim. It is located near  the city's theatre and the entrance of the hostel is right in front of a tram stop, the hostel is easily found in the market place of Karlsruhe. The hostel is also surrounded with different types of restaurants and eateries. The best part about the hostel is its free coffee that you can grab as many as you want! In my one night stay there, I got as many as 5 cups of different coffee drinks as it is free. For me, the greatest part about staying there is that I am the only one staying in a room with 10 bunkers. The joy I had when I use the toilet in peace knowing that nobody except me is using it was fabulous.

Konstanz (21st February 2020 - 22nd February 2020)
Zurich-> Konstanz

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:

- (Castles and palace) Schloss Mainau

- (Historical sites) Pulverturm, Schnetztor, Mainau Rosegarden/ island, Konstanz ferry stop checkpoint, Emperor's Fountain, Imperia statue, Rheintorturm

- (Cathedral and churches) Konstanz Münster, Schlosskirche St. Marien, Basílica de Birnau, St. Nikolaus Münster

For accommodation: I do not recommend you guys to follow step by step in what i did. Because sometimes, I did idiotic things which frustrated me alot.

Konstanz: The city with a blue sky

The most beautiful azure sky I have seen in my life. That's what I want to describe when I first stand at the coast of Bodensee river of the edge of Konstanz. The city of Konstanz have nothing much to display; it neither does not have a rich historical cathedral or Basilica to boast nor well-known universities to establish their prestige, Konstanz, however, have a beautiful river and a clear blue sky that strikes its light across the surrounding. If I would say anything about Konstanz is that, I see it as a resort town at the end of German border of Switzerland.

Most memorable walk: from Mainau entrance to my hostel

Aqua Hotel & Hostel, Konstanz

Opelstraße 6G, 78467 Konstanz, Germany

Mainau island is THE attraction in the town of Konstanz; this is where many locals would visit for summer to see the beautiful garden and the bungalow in the island. Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of time to visit that island. I walk around the scenery near the entrance of the island and decided to walk into the forest to the location of my hostel.

Mannheim (21st February 2020 - 22nd February 2020)
Heidelberg --> Mannheim

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:

- (Castles and palace) Mannheim Baroque Palace, 

- (Historical sites) Mannheim Wasserturm, Altes Rathaus street, Chinese Tea Garden, Plaken, Kunsthalle Mannheim

- (Cathedral and churches) Jesuit Church, Mannheim Palace Church, Christuskirche

For Food: So, I decided to have a traditional German food as I have a huge craving of it. I decided to go somewhere further away from the main marketplace to somewhere quiet for my lunch and I found this place:

Mannheim and the chessboard address layout

A 30min train ride north of Heidelberg is the modern city of Mannheim. Mannheim is considered another well-known university city but with a huge population of locals and Turkish communities. The known attraction of this metropolis is the Mannheim Baroque Palace (which is very close to the train station) and the chess like layout of the residential houses and shops near the palace. Each address is named after a square or position of the chess piece. 

The outskirts of the main city centre is where the local park, Luisenpark, has alot of amusement areas which includes the most largest Chinese tea garden in the whole of Germany. 

Mannheim Baroque Palace
Wasserturm Mannheim

The city's water tower is another historical landmark; compared to many water towers in Germany, Mannheim elaborately design the tower which intricate and delicate garden and water fountain behind and in front of it. This water tower was built by  Gustav Halmhuber during the late 1900s. It was considered to be Mannheim's lastest and modern water tower and was later reconstructed as an aboveground water tank until 2000 after being bombed during World War 2.

Recommended restaurant to go to 

Keller's Weinrestaurant

U2 2, 68161 Mannheim, Germany

I walked at least 15mins away from the chess designed layout and the Baroque palace to come to this restaurant. It is also located just near to the main oldtown marketplace of Manheim.  Keller's Weinrestaurant is not bad; it have local cuisines of Mannheim such as what I ordered for my lunch on my visit to the city. The beer is unique as compared to many German beer who would taste a bit bitter and clearer than water, the home-brewed beer here is sweeter. I recommend people to visit this restaurant as it was decorated with very strong traditional southern German décor. It has a lot of wood designs and posters around the restaurant. 

Metzingen (20th February 2020)
Tuebingen --> Metzingen

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:

- (Historical sites) Weinbaumuseum Förderkreis Metzinger Keltern e.V., OUTLETCITY (Shopping centre)

For Food: Metzingen is mainly for being a huge shopping centre for branded goods and food. There are many modern cafes and pubs located around the city centre and the shopping centre.

A town dedicated for the high end shopping culture. 



The German town of Metzingen is a 10mins train ridefrom Tubingen. The place is more dedicated as a  modern shopping area. Not much is talk about here since the area is known to be that. The oldtown is just a basic German medieval town with sculptures, German wooden buildings and fountains around the old area. I came to this town to see the shopping area with my friend, Vy (who also joined me in another previous trip in Esslingen).  Overall, the place is a good town to visit once for its modern model shopping area.

Tuebingen (21st October 2019 - 28nd August 2020)
Frankfurt Flughafen --> Frankfurt Haupbahnhof --> Stuttgart --> Tuebingen 

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:

- (Castles and palace) Schloss Hohentubigen, Museum der Universität Tübingen (MUT), Bismarckturm Tübingen

- (Historical sites) Monastery and Palace Bebenhausen, Kunsthalle Tubingen, Schönbuch, Hölderlinturm, Botanical Garden of the University of Tübingen, Stadtmuseum Tübingen, Neckarfront, Tuebingen Marktplatz und Altstadt (Townhall and marketplace), Platanenallee, Neue Aula (Tuebingen University lecture hall), Nonnenhaus

- (Cathedral and churches) St. George's Collegiate Church

For Food: Tübingen is a very vibrant university town that have many range of  restaurants from different cultures. There are many kebab stores and Italian gelato café located around the small pretty town. As I stayed here for  11 months, I am confident to suggest you some of the restaurants and cafes here:

- (Restaurants) Esszimmer, Ratskeller, Gasthausbrauerei Neckarmüller, China Restaurant San Bao

- (Cafe) Porto Pino Café-Gelateria, Il Dolce

- (cheap food eats) Burgermeister-Cafegino, Istanbul Restaurant

Tübingen: one of Baden-Württemberg state's most prettiest town

For this section, I decided to use some photos from google to illustrated the beauty of this small university town. i felt that my photos do not do justice for the many things you can actually do in the town itself. Moreover, I lost many of my photos of Tübingen somehow. I cant find it in my photo album. The magnificent people I met along my stay here also elevated my love for the small town in Baden-Wurttemberg. This portion will be longer than the rest of the town/city in Germany that I would be blogged on.

Altstadt und Marktplaz

The most beautiful part of the university-city. The oldtown of Tübingen kept its natural town landscape. This was due to be being a no-fly zone during the two world wars. There are many hospitals and medical research centres located around the town. However, the town of Tubingen is considered unique as it has many medieval houses being clustered together along the river Neckar. There are many small independent shops, restaurants and cafes located in the shophouses. Further down the round towards the Protestant church are the old university buildings that can go as far back as the 17th century when it was formed. The highlight of the town was the castle on the hill. Now, it is currently used by the town's university as a lecture hall ad archeological museums. 

Schloss Hohentuebingen

The long walk to the castle is via the route after walk up of the big road just beside the town's rathaus (townhall). It was built initially as medieval castle for counts in the 11th century before it was sold to the Duke of Württemberg which the castle would late be acquired by the King of Würrtemberg, Wilhelm I, who then gave it to the university to use in 1819. Currently, the castle is used by the Cultural and Archeology department to manage and maintain the resources and historical artefacts in the castle. 

Eberhard Karl Universität Tübingen campus

Like Heidelberg, the town of Tubingen was well-known due to the fact that the top 10 German universities is located here. Famous for its social science and medicine education, the university is spread out around the town from hospitals, medical schools and science lab located on the town's hill to 19th century school building situated in the medieval town itself. The university pride itself as one of the oldest ones in Germany. Many students don't need to  pay school fees but only contribution fees (previously around €) for the student life. The uni also have food canteens (under MENSA) located around the different stretch of the city area. This is the university I went to for the next 10 months for my second year. I really love the atmosphere and the uni culture in Tubingen. One of the many  traditional culture is knocking our hand on the table when the lecture or seminar is finished. This is to replace clapping to thank the tutors. I found this to be very interesting as a foreign student. 

Schonbuch and Bismarckturm

Schonbuch is the nearest forest that is located near to the town of Tubingen. Whenever i feel like jogging or taking a breather, I would usually walk from my accommodation (Hartsmeyerstraße) and up to the hill to walk in to Schonbuch.  Its refreshing to walk around Schonbuch as from the corner, I could see the landscape of the albs and the small town of Babenhausen from afar. 

Another historic site in Tubingen is the Bismarckturm in which I was lucky enough to have my friend Vy to accompany me with. Along the trail from the Hohentubingen castle to the private resident, there is the Bismarckturm, a memorial of Chancellor Bismarck from university students, professors and even civil workers. 

Bebenhausen monastery and village

Bebenhausen monastery and village is located 30mins (via foot) from the student accommodation I lived in. I got the chance to visit the small village and the monastery in the middle of it. I went with two of my flatmates (Hi Kubra and Sophia!). The small village is what you could expect of a german village, flowers and vines curling and decorating the wooden fences of the small area. Some houses won a farm which have horses and crops. The small place even have the only pub over there and its expensive. Of course, the best part of the village its the monastery itself which took the most attention with its towering architecture in the village itself. 

View of Bebenhausen village
Inside the monastery
Reutlingen ( 7th December 2019)
Tuebingen --> Reutlingen

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit: Reutlingen is an old medieval town that have been added with some modern construction surrounding the oldtown. Unlike Tübingen (which is 15 mins away by train), the city is a more intoned as a workplace and it shows.

- (Historical sites) Kunstmuseum Reutlingen, Tübinger Tor, Narrowest Street In The World (legit! its a street), Gaststätte Gartentor, Zunftbrunnen, Altstadt und Marktplaz, Eishalle

- (Cathedral and churches) Marienkirche

For Food: 

- Rebstöckle Reutlingen


- Gerberstüble Restaurant

Reutlingen Town

Reutlingen is like Tubingen, but exist as a theme park place as well. Unlike the hilly university-town of Tubingen, Reutlingen is a flat land with many recreation centres like skating rink and kids adventure theme park.  During my stay in Tubingen, I got to visit the city-town two times, the first was highly recommended by my flatmate to go its ice skating rink (the only one located near to the town I'm staying). The second time was a unexpected visit as My friend, Vy, and I just got back from Metzingen. We were hungry and exhausted window shopping and decided to come to Reutlingen as a stop before Tübingen for a lunch break. To be frank, I found Reutlingen more spacious and entertaining than Metzingen since Reutlingen have medieval village-styled shops around the main city centre with modern buildings surround around it.

Tuebingen --> Sigmaringen

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit: Sigmaringen is only well-known for its castle on the hill. But, it also have an oldtown like every other German city. I recommend you to also visit them. Also, being very close to trekking checkpoints and natural forest/park, the city is a good starting point for hikers to begin their activity from. 

- (Castles and palace) Sigmaringen Castle, Wildenstein Castle

- (Historical sites) Heimatmuseum Runder Turm, Zündapp museum of the brewery Zoller-Hof, Marketplace and townhall, Fürstlicher Park, Teufelsbrücke, Amalienfelsen

- (Cathedral and churches) Josefkapelle, St. Johann, Hedinger Kirche

Sigmaringen: A perfect spot for hiking to the woods

Sigmaringen is just like a typical Swabish German village with a twist to it; it has the famous town castle that is located on Danube hill. The town is popular  destination for trekkers and hikers as Sigmaringen is surrounded by a huge natural forest that has famous bridges in its habitats. To relate, the town of Sigmaringen is like Reutlingen with a hilly surrounding. The reason I came to this town is for its castle and it did look what I thought it would when I first saw it in the internet. The town is rather quiet and is only relevant for its trekking trails around. Its a bit boring but if you visit the castle and its interior, it will worth your visit.   However, the town do have small shops and restaurant around, so do check them!

Sigmaringen Castle

The castle has a long history that started from the early 11th century through Ludwig von Sigmaringen, who was the earliest recorded person that is linked to its history. The castle gone under a renovation under the the Helfenstein family in the 1200s  and then was given to the Weerdenberg family by Count Eberhard of Wurttemberg in the late 14th century and the castle would later be under the possession of the Hohenzollern and its cadet branch, the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen families, from the 16th century to present time. Currently,  the castle became a tourist site, museum and a business area for the current descendants of the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen families to manage. The castle has many changes for at least for a millennia; with additions of different aesthetics such as Romanesque, Baroque and Gothic merged together with rooms such as German, French and Portuguese halls are located in it. The most popular of the room in the castle is its armory which boasted to be the most kept armors and weapons of the whole of the Swabian lands. The ticket for an adult for the castle visit would cost €12.50.

Stuttgart (2019)
Tuebingen --> Stuttgart

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit: The capital city of Baden-Wurttemberg itself. The city is elaborated with reach neo-classical buildings with medical castles along the streets. It also has the famous Königstraße street that have a lot of fashion and designer stores along it. The main city centre have a lot of museum, one of them is the Mecedes-Benz museum.

- (Castles and palace) Ludwigsburg Palace, Altes Schloss and Landesmuseum, Neue Schloss, Solitude Palace

- (Historical sites) Piazza del Castello, Mercedes-Benz Museum, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Fernsehturm Stuttgart, Palace square, Schillerplatz

- (Cathedral and churches) Stiftskirche, Evangelische Kirchengemeinde, St. Maria Kirche, Russian church

Stuttgart city centre (Königstraße)

Other than Berlin, Cologne and Munich, Stuttgart is considered one of the significant German city that many tourist in and outside of Europe know that it exist. Stuttgart is the capital and largest city  of the Baden-Wurttemberg state in southern Germany that generate one of the most percentage of the country's GDP for its scientific innovations and its car engine and brand inventions. The city has a long history from the arrival of the Romans to the current status as one of riches cities in Germany.

After arriving in the city's train station, I got to exit at its left wing in which I cross the pedestrian road to the main shopping area, Königstraße. The street strong wide and long and can be said to be as long as 2km of different well-end shops like T.K Max or Aldi. The furthest end of the shopping street is where many historical buildings and museums are located, which included the Neue Schloss, Altes Schloss, Volkswagen museum..etc

Piazza de Castello und Neue Scloss (Schlossplatz)

15mins after walking along the main shopping street, I bought a bubble tea to appreciate the site of the new palace with the Jubilee column in front of me. I want to take a breather after walking for an hour and it just happened that the mall that I took lunch in have a small bubbletea shop in it. Hence, I ordered one classics milk tea medium cup with tapioca pearl. It is refreshing!

Unfortunately, as an architecture fanatic, I was unable to visit the new palace as  it was close for some private event. I went to the old castle instead as it is historical city museum in which I did not need to pay anything thing at all. Entrance is free!

Stuttgart Altes Schloss und Landesmuseum

Before it was a city museum, the castle history goes fare back to the early 10th century as a castle that act as a water fortress that protects a mare garden. In the 1400s, the Counts of Württemberg would own the castle as their home, along with their court chambers. It was renovated numerous times, although minorly, by the rulers of Württemberg from the renaissance period to the late 18th century until the project in creating a new palace for the royals beside the old one is considered.  Previously, it suffered from fires and air raids during the 1900s.

Stuttgart Collegiate Church

Just a normal German protestant church with a lot of historical of changes and reformations. Currently, it housed the crypt and the burial of he remains of Ulrich I, Count of Württemberg and his second wife, Countess of Württemberg, Agnes von Schlesien-Liegnitz. 

Schloss Solitude

On my second visit to Stuttgart, My friend, Vy and I went to the castle that is considered the former summer residence of the Württemberg royals. The castle is located 20 mins away from the main city through bus travels. The walk to the bus is not that easy. Vy and I took more than an hour just to find the right bus stop for the journey to Schloss solitude. Halfway to the travel, we have to transfer to another bus that goes to the outskirts of Stuttgart city. 

The castle is on top of the hill along Solitudestraße. It looks so similar to Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam. Commissioned by Duke Charles of Wuttermberg in the 18th century, the palace is a rococo castle that is mainly be a hunting retreat. I have agood time there eventhough we came too late to enter the small retreat. Actually, we are like 5 mins late too! I'm quite annoyed by it but me and Vy do get a great photo shoot around the building. 


Munich. Nuremburg. 

Munich ( 29th July 2020)
Tuebingen --> Stuttgart --> Munich

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit: Munich, the capital city of the Bavarian state. It speaks volume of its beauty by blending in Rococo styles with medieval aesthetics. Although the city is beautiful and clean, it is one my expensive travels as the restaurant and shopping stores are consider one of the high-ends in Germany (Get the joke!)

- (Castles and palace) Munich Residenz, Nymphenburg Palace, Palais Porcia, Neuschwanstein Castle

- (Historical sites) Marienplatz (Rathaus-Glockenspiel), Hofbräuhaus, Hofgarten, Bavarian National Museum, Old Town Hall, Odeonsplatz, Karlsplatz, Maximilianstraße, Isar Gate

- (Cathedral and churches) Frauenkirche, St. Peter's Church, Asamkirche, St. Michael's Church, Siegestor

For food: 

 - Ratskeller München

Munich Old and New Townhall

Munich is one of Germany's major city that have a lot of cultural rich architecture of Bavarian heritage. They have more old medieval-neoclassical aesthetics that is common to Austrian culture than the Prussian look from the North of Germany. Afterall, the Viennese capital is just an hour away (of train ride) from Munich. Munich is famous for a lot of reason, one of which is that it was a former kingdom before the first world war. The birthplace of famous royals like King Ludwig II (who commissioned the most popular Neuschwanstein Castle) and his cousin, Empress Elisabeth (Sisi) of Austria. 

Munich is very big compared to Stuttgart; the city is vibrant with art and culture around the place. Many historical sites are of late 1600s aesthetics which emphasised its grand history as a former kingdom.  It has three preserved city gates at each corner of the city and the city is well-known to be a founding place of the international celebration of Oktoberfest. Furthermore, Munich is the most expensive German cities to live in, ranking at number one.

The Munich medieval gates around the city area: Karlstor, Isartor and Sendlinger Tor

Th city of Munich is one of the rarer known historic cities that kept it's city border through their city gates. The medieval gates previously served as a protecting fortress of the city and currently is being presented to be a tourist sites. The gates are merged with modern neoclassical and brutalist architecture surrounding it. The first gate, Sendlinger Tor, was first mentioned in the 1310s by the Emperor Ludwig the Bavarian for his great urban expansion plan for the city.  Isartor would be built 20 years later by Emperor Ludwig again to expand the city and segregate the sections. Karlstor (formerly Neuhauser Tor) was constructed in the late 18th century as a defensive wall and the checkpoint of the city.  

Historical building around Munich city centre

Like Vienna, Munich is known for its artistic architecture and history art galleries and museums. I recommend that you should only visit Munich for its beauty as a city and shopping areas. Popular tourist spots such as the neogothic Neues Rathaus (Townhall) and Marienplatz city central

The city is also know for its nightlife with clubs and pubs opening from the afternoon at 12pm to the next morning. I also would suggest that you should take a metro ticket around the city as the walking distances around it is very long and tiring. I warned you, the place is very big compared to Stuttgart

Nuremberg (30nd December 2019 - 2nd January 2020)
Berlin --> Nuremburg

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit: Nuremburg gave a strong history as a medieval city and the place where the Nazi have strong ties to and also their trial area. It is rich in medieval markets in the old townhall and old gothic aesthetics around the old town's gate. 

- (Castles and palace) Imperial Castle of Nuremberg

- (Historical sites) Toy Museum, Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds, Schöner Brunnen, Weißgerbergasse, Handwerkerhof, Hauptmarkt, Sinwell Tower, Nuremberg City Hall, Nuremberg Opera House, Weißer Turm, Henkerhaus Museum, Maxbrücke

- (Cathedral and churches) Sebalduskirche ,  Frauenkirche, Lorenzkirche

For food: There are many Italian cafes around the oldtown hall and old traditional German restaurants/pubs around. i recommend for you guys to come around the winter season as this is when Nuremburg gets busy and pretty with their Christmas décor around the old town and there is the annual Christmas market. 

- "Trödelstuben" 

- KomeKome

- C'era Una Volta

- Cafe Pane

For accommodation: 

Five Reasons

Frauentormauer 42, 90402 Nürnberg, Germany

My trip to Nuremburg

Before  visiting the city, I got to briefly looked at it from my Flixbus transfer from Tubingen to Prague. The city of Nuremburg could be said to look like Stuttgart; there are many brutalist buildings around the main city area. however, the uniqueness of the city was its fortified oldtown which is located just next to the bus interchange. It took me 10 mins of walking into the walls of the oldtown to look for my hostel which is located inside the fortified old Nuremburg. 

Nuremburg Imperial Castle

The city of Nuremburg has an old castle on the hill of the oldtown. Like all castle in German, it is round and made to look like a fortress than really a seat of a noble or royal family. For its history, the castle had hosted many Holy Roman monarchs in their interior, the emperor and their family would travel around Germany and lived in many big cities during the middle ages since there is no concept of a capital city to the empire. The first construction of the fortified castle started from the early 11th century and then was abandoned for same time during the 18th century. The castle became prominent during the Nazi's rally in the city and would later be damaged by the air raids during World War II. Currently, the castle is a tourist attraction and it is free to be walked by everyone to see the old medieval German-styled castle. 

Museums and tourist attractions

As a history student, I geeked out for my trip to Nuremburg. Nuremburg is considered one of the most important city in recent German history. One of the city's most well known place was the old Nuremburg court that was constructed to prosecute Nazi members in the trial for war crimes. When I came to the city, I didn't expect it to be very big. The city is divided into small sections that the oldtown is considered their city centre. The oldtown too is fortified from four different towers around it with many of the building inside the fortified wall are old medieval wooden shophouses and brink stores. Interestingly, the red light district of Nuremberg is also inside of oldtown. 

Restaurants, Pubs and Cafes in Nuremburg

The pub and bar life in oldtown Nuremburg is enchanting; the period that I went there was during the Christmas market event and I was so lucky enough to make a friend out of my hostel mate. We decided to tour around the oldtown's nightlife atmosphere together. After walking around, we got a bit tired and we decided to take a rest and have dinner in Trödelstuben restaurant which is located near to the alley corner of the Cathedral. As usual, I ordered Brastwurst and German Beer. 

My special New Year Celebration

The new year eve celebration is one in which I cannot forget! Nuremburg visit to me is one of the special moment in my year abroad as I met twelve individuals from the same hostel as I stayed and all of us decided to celebrate the new year through going out of the streets and seeing fire works being set off around the oldtown. It was a memorable moment.  The crowds are incredible; it is also very uncanny as I do not see that many people during the day time. The people crowd around the castle making it hard to walk around the old streets to see the good view of the fireworks display. After the event, all of us went to the nearest Irish pub and have a fun time over there. It is unfortunate that we only met for one night and we dispersed after that, howeever, I will never forget the time of this fun in my memory. 

Berlin (Brandenburg)

Berlin. Potsdam.

Berlin (29th December 2019 - 31st December 2019)
Prague (Czech republic) --> Berlin (Germany)

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit: 

- (Castles and palace) Charlottenburg Palace and Park, Rote Rathaus, Bellevue Palace

- (Historical sites) The Brandenburg Gate, The Reichstag building, Berlin Wall Memorial, German Historical Museum, Berliner Fernsehturm, Checkpoint Charlie  and museum, Gendarmenmarktm, Jewish Museum Berlin,  German Museum of Technology, The Nikolai Quarter, Museum Island, Victory Column, Oberbaumbrücke, Lustgarten

- (Cathedral and churches) Berlin Cathedral Church, Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, French Cathedral

For food: 

- (Of course!) The Berlin Christmas market (if you have the money)

- Along the streets of Torstrasse have many cafes and restaurants to visit. 

Berlin City, Capital of Germany

The German capital is just an hour and a half of coach drive from the capital of Czech republic. This is cool as the previous journey from Nuremberg to Prague took 3 hours long and I prefer to have a short trip to my destination. My butt will hurt and numb during the travel. Alas, I cannot complain as it is my decision to travel anyways. Initially, I only intended to visit Prague. A few days before going to my holiday, a Singaporean friend of mine (Hi Pravan!) contacted me to ask whether I am traveling to Berlin since I am in Germany. I took this opportunity to book my travels from Prague to Berlin after that. Arriving in Berlin at 10 am is a chore and a hassle; I forgotten my room key that I placed on the back of the coach seat in front of me. I panicked as the coach left the interchange. Luckily, I was able to contact the customer service hotline and they reassured ,e that the coach will come back the second time and will pass me the key that is in the small pouch. It took another two hours of me waiting to get back my pouch. before that I called Pravan and apologies for going to be late for out meeting spot at the main city centre. 

Berlin city is held with two contrasting atmosphere, the eastern side is filled with colourless grey and white brutalist buildings that resemble the early 90s look of the time. While the western side is vibrant and full of LED display that shouted capitalism around. Traveling to meet Pravan through the city's train is an adventure as I got to see the surroundings of the area. I could really see the separation of east and West Berlin after the the country's defeat still resonant around the capital. 

The Berlin Cathedral

Its funny how there is a long quite before me and somehow, not wanting to queue up for the ticket, I managed to get it via a ticket machine that nobody wanted to use at all. To be fair, the ticket machine is next to the parking ticket machine, so tourists would assumed that the section is for buying ticket for parking their vehicles near the cathedral. It is a delight to know that I do not need to wait an hour just to buy the ticket. So I bought a €7.00 ticket (after reduction) and enter the cathedral alone while Pravan wait for me outside since he is not interested. 

This building is a treat. At first, I didn't  want to visit this area. I thought it will be the same as as other cathedral like in Prague where the interior is filled with gothic designs all around the ceiling and the alter. To my amazement, the interior is fully decorated with marbles, plater and intricate designs of biblical even and figures. What impressed me the most is the colour of peach and gold being utilised in the cathedral. I should have been prepared before going in as I have not seen a rococo styled aesthetic before my trip to Autria. 

Checkpoint Charlie and the Berlin Wall

The most iconic and vital historical site that separated West and East Berlin through a checkpoint and fortified wall that was created by the USSR to prevent any Eastern Berliners to escape to the West that is controlled by the US. Currently, the checkpoint has became a very popular tourist area to visit due to its important history. I went there alone as Pravan was sick in the morning and decided to visit that area on the afternoon. While he was there, I am still in Sanssouci park looking around the gardens and palace area. By the time I reached Checkpoint Charlie, It was already 7pm in the evening. So, I got to see some Christmas lighting in full action and the nightlife over at the shopping district of the capital city. 

Berlin Christmas Market

The first night in Berlin and Pravan and I decided to look at their Christmas market culture. Got to say, it is more expensive than the southern Christmas market but it has more of the festive vibes in it. Moreover, it is bigger than the usual Christmas market, especially when there are performances like Santa in his sleigh 'flying' through the market. at first, I though the Santa is a wax figurine. It is amusing to know that it is an actual person standing in the sleigh that is connect to wirings that give an illusion of flying/sliding across the sky. The display in the Christmas market is expected; red, green and white is plastered around the smaller shops and other entertainment areas around the surroundings. Pravan and I ordered a hot Italian chcolate and walk around the festive atmosphere. 

Santa and his sleigh at the top of the C
Guten Appetite!

After visiting the main city area of Berlin, both of us decided to have a dinner in a German restaurant near to our accommodated hostel for two nights. We decided to look for a cheap shared platter since we are broke. XD

my dinner with my friend, Parvan
Potsdam (30th December 2019 )
Berlin --> Postdam

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:  Potsdam is highly recommended for those who are crazy about places and gardens. The small city that houses a lot of imperial seats and palaces around it. 

- (Castles and palace) Sanssouci Palace and park, Neues Palace, Marmorpalais and garden, Charlottenhof Palace, Schloss Babelsberg,  Orangery Palace

- (Historical sites) Museum Barberini, Potsdam Old Town Hall, the Dutch Quarter , Cecilienhof Country House, the Chinese House in Sanssouci Park, Filmmuseum, The Steam Pump House, Einstein Tower, Russische Kolonie Alexandrowka, KGB Prison (Memorial Leistikowstraße)

- (Cathedral and churches) The Church of Peace, St. Nicholas Church

For food: 

- In Potsdam, there are many cafes located around the gardens and the palaces. 

Sanssouci Palace, interior and park layout

The most famous palace in Northern Germany, Sanssouci Palace is located in a city of Potsdam, the largest city around Berlin just 15mins from the Capital city via train ride. The palace is well-known for its exaggerated Rococo-natural styled architecture that is surrounded by different section of gardens and other palace residence. When it was first established in Potsdam during the late 18th century by the powerful King Federick II of Prussia as a summer palace. 

I was fortunate enough to spend the whole day (my second day of Berlin) in Sanssoucci palace to see the German splendor and their rococo style through Park Sanssouci.  I arrived at Potsdam without the knowledge that the famous summer palace is actually locked in the park that was named after it. The park also have many treats in it; there are the communs and the new palace located at the far eastern side of the park and many known smaller garden situated in the middle of the area like the Chinese house. It took me almost 6 hours to travel and tour around the humongous par. Overall, I really enjoyed the visit as it educate me on the lavish taste 'Oldman Fritz' had for his summer palace.

University Potsdam

The communs of Sanssouci palace's very east side is now accomdating students for the city's main university. It has became a lecture hall and belongs to various departments such as the Politics faculty. The communs is made out of two romanesque-baroque styled buildings attached to a long corridor of pillars in a circular-shape with the decorated column gate in the middle of it. During Frederick the great time, the communs was filled with utilities and gardening shops. The royal kitchen is located there with palace guards and servants were housed. Right against the communs is the new palace residence.

Neues Palace and interior

Ironically, the palace of Sanssouci did not impressed me the most out of this visit, it was the new palace instead. The new palace may look like a typical inspire French Baroque styled architecture but the interior is what make it more unique and extravagant compared to many palaces I visited. The Grotto Hall is one exquisite ballroom that made me held my breath the most; the hall is heavily decorated with seashells, stones, marbles and quartz around the it. The color schemes in it are earthly brown and black marbled flooring with Greek-Roman inspired mythologies of Venus/Aphrodite and her dolphins plastered around the interior. According to my tour guide, this hall is so heavy dur to the stones and shells that it need to be constantly refurnish and restored fur to the fact that the hall is in the second floor and its actually impractical to keep this room from not sinking and breaking once in a while. Truly a rare sight to see for me. 

Dresden (Saxony)

Dresden (2020)

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:  A i hour city away from Prague by car, Dresden is the part of Germany with the Baroque aesthetic city next to Berlin. As the capital of Saxony, it shows it remarkable beauty through their architecture. The vibrant city also contain rich history of fine arts and science around the main city area.

- (Castles and palace) Dresden Castle, Moritzburg Castle, Pillnitz Castle, Porzellansammlung, Japanisches Palais, Albrechtsberg Palace, The Grand Garden Palace, Lingnerschloss

- (Historical sites) Zwinger, Semperoper, Old Masters Picture Gallery, Albertinum, Green Vault, Museum of Military History, Brühl's Terrace, Fürstenzug, The Grand Garden of Dresden, Kunsthofpassage, Dresden Transport Museum, Panometer, Altmarkt and Neumarkt, Augustus Bridge, Golden Rider, Festung Xperience (Festung Dresden), Theaterplatz, Kronentor, Nymphenbad

- (Cathedral and churches) Frauenkirche, Katholische Hofkirche, Yenidze, Holy Cross Church

For food: 

- Along the Altmarkt and Neumarkt, there are many streets of cafes , pubs and restaurants and I highly recommend that you guys should walk along the streets to see it for yourself on the places you guys want to eat.

-  Good Ice cream café near the Porcelain mural display to the church: Bellagio

                                                                                                                            Augustusstraße 2, 01067 Dresden, Germany

- The German restaurant that Vy and me went for lunch: DRESDEN 1900 Museumsgastronomie

                                                                                                    An der Frauenkirche 20, 01067 Dresden, Germany

The Capital of Saxony

In between the capital cities of Czech Republic and Germany, Dresden, the former capital of the duchy of Saxony is situated there. The city of Saxon cultures is know for a few things today; its renowned Art university and its intricate baroque marble and stone buildings around the city centre. It is also a very popular tourist site for the locals. However, like Berlin, it was targeted for air raid attack by the British during World War 2. Some of the old buildings that were bombed like the women church (Frauenkirche) were rebuilt after being damaged by it. 

The city is very beauty, it has the typical roman gothic aesthetic with complicated designs around the city. It also hosted a lot of rich history in arts, science and culture. 

Dresden Architecture and beauty

Due to its brilliant city design and architecture, Dresden was also known as 'German Florence'. The buildings, including the Zwinger(the city palatial building that has a garden in it) and the Dresden castle are filled with elaborated statues and intriguing rococo-baroque exterior designs. The best prized possession of the city was its artistic mural that is known as Fürstenzug - a mural that detailed the different individual rulers of Saxony from 1127 to 1904. This was created between 1871-1876 in celebrating the 800th year of the ruling house of Saxony, the Wettin dynasty. The mural can be found outside of the outer wall of the Dresden castle.  When I was there, I was in awe of the city as a whole. The old rococo-baroque building was able to neatly and beautifully showcase the early 19th century power of the Kingdom of Saxony. 

The Dresden Xperience

This one was a surprise. The Dresden Xperience is actually a showcase or a reenactment of how life was in Dresden from the medieval age to the early modern period. They uses a lot of audio and visual presentation by using the wall of the former wine room into a showroom with visualisers around it. There are also wax figurines around to display what the peasants were like back then. The showcase has a narrative to follow; there is a ghost that died in Dresden and we as audience will have to accompany him to find out how he died. most importantly, who he is and what is he doing when he was alive. The experience of the showcase is entertaining and enjoyable. I got to know more about the history and Dresden through this showcase. Its ironic on how the event is advertised around the city centre but the entrance of the bunker iis through a guarded elevator. Of course, it is not free. As a student, I paid a sum of  € 8.00 to enter with the audio guide. 

Lunch at Dresden

DRESDEN 1900 Museumsgastronomie 

After walking around the tourist area of Dresden, Vy and I decided to have a lunch in one of the restaurant near to the main attractions. Like any typical German restaurant, the interior of it is huge with small tiny rooms around it. The most interesting of the interior was the old 1900s bus that's is placed in the middle of the restaurant garden sitting area. The bus has also become a sitting area for the customer and me and Vy decided to have some fun taking some photo of the bus!

Frankfurt (Hesse)

Frankfurt am Main (24th August 2020 -25th August 2020)

The attractions and places I recommend that you should visit:  Frankfurt pride itself as a financial hub and it do tell; the city is highlighted with skyscapers and high end buildings around. The oldtown Frankfurt is located 20 mins away from the central Frankfurt train station. The city is located at river Main, hence, the name Frankfurt am (at) Main. Fun fact: in Germany, there are two cities called Frankfurt, the other is Frankfurt am Oder

- (Historical sites) Goethe House, Römerberg und Fountain of Justice (Oldtown square), Alte Oper, Historisches Museum Frankfurt, Hauptwache, Zeil street, New Old Town, Caricatura - Museum for Comic Art, Liebfrauen, Alte Brücke

- (Cathedral and churches) Frankfurt Cathedral, St. Paul's Church, Alte Nikolaikirche, St. Catherine's Church

For food: 

Zum Standesämtchen

Römerberg 16, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

For accommodation

The Corner Hotel

Mainzer Landstraße 73, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Frankfurt as a financial hub

My last stop before I return back to the UK to continue my final year of my studies. Ironically, Frankfurt is the city where I began my journey in Germany for my year abroad and now it is my final destination and trip before I go back to face the music. Surprisingly, the financial hub is filled with skyscrapers around the train station. When I first arrived at the city's bus interchange after a two hour journey from Tubingen to here. I was dumbfounded by how upfront the city is when comes to it's condition. In front of the train station lays all the beauty of the big streets that have all the shopping and restaurants located. Many hostels and hotel are surrounding the streets with people walking around, buzzling the area with noises alike laughter and gossips. However, like a coin that have two sides, gangs, homeless people and lackeys are just right in front of the traffic road of the train station, selling drugs directly. The redlight district are also located just at the side of the main shopping area in which the streets are very quiet and eerie in the afternoon.  This created an interesting contrast atmosphere of Frankfurt as I have not seen a city in Germany that would display the duality of good and bad sites together. 

Oldtown Square

The Oldtown Frankfurt is located 30mins away from the train station. It is located along the river Main and could be seen afar from the city's cathedral. The old clustered Medieval wooden houses are surrounding the town square with the justice fountain situated in the middle of all the old Medieval buildings. The wooden houses are filled with German and Italian restaurants with local souvenir shops. Behind the oldtown are the campus of the city university and library. Along the oldtown square are many cafes and shops. The area is very pretty when there are flowers and trees blooming around the oldtown area. It is also nice to see that Frankfurt have the same old aesthetic like the town of Tubingen have. The city hall is located down the street with the council house at the side which is in the streets of Newtown square. 

Newtown Square

Unlike the old styles medieval wooden buildings around 'Altstadt', the Newtown is filled with early modern classical buildings all around. The area shouted of the early 19th century aesthetic with an inspiration of the Parisian building of that area but with a German twist to it. It was unique how there are a contrast of era through the different architecture of the streets along the way. 

Paulplatz (near to St Paul's Church)

© Ten Months in Germany: A Erasmus student's guide  presented by Rachel Chan . Proudly created with

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